Who am I?
My name is Lynne Rowe and I'm a freelance knitting and crochet designer, technical editor and author. I can't imagine a day without picking up my needles or hook and creating something fab and funky.
When did I learn to knit and crochet?
I learned the basics as a child, from my lovely Nan who crocheted so fast that I was totally mesmerised by her hook swiftly zipping in and out of her work. I still learn new things every week either from others in person, or online, even if it’s just a better way to fasten off, or a simpler way to create patterns and textures. Learning new skills also opens up new pathways in your brain and can stimulate the growth of new brain cells, so it’s great that learning to knit and crochet can help you keep an active mind as you grow older.
I teach knit and crochet locally in Cheshire, as I feel it's really important to pass these skills on. I love to see my students feeling proud and amazed at their achievements. There seems to be a never ending line of people wanting to learn to crochet (and knit) so it keeps me busy and I’ve made lots of new friends through my classes. It makes me really happy to pass on my skills so that others are confident to be creative too.
I love to create designs that help you relax and de-stress. These include simple, rhythmic and meditative stitches that can help you maintain your focus and improve your well-being. If you come along to one of my Knitting for Calm workshops, I will teach you beneficial exercises that will help you to become a more mindful knitted or crocheter and ultimately help you to use your crafting as a tool to de-stress.
From hobby to successful business
I've worked in the heart of the knitting and crochet sector for over 13 years and I'm passionate about helping others enjoy the wellbeing benefits that both knitting and crochet can bring.
I left my prominent environmental career of 20 years to turn my hobby into her business and haven't looked back since. After venturing into the world of knitting and crochet I'm now an established designer, editor and author and have written 6 popular craft books including best seller ‘The Sock Knitting Bible’. I both edit and feature in many of the UK’s knitting and crochet magazines with my new designs and informative articles and I'm seen as an expert in my field.
By sharing my tips and knowledge, I aim to help knitters and crocheters worldwide to enjoy the calm and relaxing process of turning yarn into fabric; to feel proud of your creations and to improve your confidence by learning new skills.
And by sharing my expertise and experience, I aim to help knit/crochet business owners and tech editors to build strong foundations for their business and go from flustered and overwhelmed, to focussed and on their way to creating a successful and reliable business, with my online courses and mentoring programme.
When I'm not working, you can either find me enjoying the outdoors on local walks or simply relaxing at home with my knitting and crochet, trying not to lose count or drop a stitch.​